You are my world!
I haven't had much time to craft or blog lately...been just as busy as I am sure everyone else is, but I do however have lots of projects that I didn't get a chance to share on my blog. So, I thought why not post them as I find time to...
Here is a page layout of my daughter from my Project Life album. She actually bought the tag that I used at the bottom right for her own album but I kinda "sweet talked" her into letting me "borrow" it. :)
Here is a page layout of my daughter from my Project Life album. She actually bought the tag that I used at the bottom right for her own album but I kinda "sweet talked" her into letting me "borrow" it. :)
I kept this layout very simple as I wanted the photo to stand out and not be distracted with embellishments.
2012 Title Page
Here is my PL title page for 2012. I know...I'm a bit behind with my Project Life post but I am not stressing over it. :) I am doing a monthly review just like I did for 2011, so that in itself is comforting...can't do a review till the month is over, right! :) This page was finished a long time ago, I just couldn't find the time to photograph and post it.
This year I chose the Clementine Edition and I am truly loving the colors and design.
My PL style is very simple and as you can see my title page reflects that. The three pics on the right is actually our Happy New Year's card that was sent out to family and friends at the end of 2011. It was the perfect size for this page protector and the wording was perfect for my title page.
Simply added a button to this card and stamped two hearts.
I am hoping to post January 2012 pages soon. As promised in my last PL post, I will post February 2011 pages as well. :)
Project Life - 2011
I have been working on several different projects lately, one of which is Project Life. I originally started out doing the digital version of this project and although I enjoy digital scrapbooking, I quickly realized that I would much rather do this album in the traditional form! I guess my husband got tired of listening to me saying that I should have ordered the kit, he surprised me with it! :) I felt like a kid in a candy store! :)
Here is my cover page:
Switched out the 4 journaling/filler cards for individual pictures of each of us!
Used rub-ons for my title and added floss with a flower and a button to add a little bit of interest to the title page.
This project might seem a bit overwhelming but here is my approach towards making this a fun project. These are also a few of the reasons why I din't want to continue the digital version.
- I am doing a monthly review, not a picture a day. I thought this approach would help alleviate any unnecessary pressure of trying to take a picture a day.
- I am adding additional pages, monthly recaps and even traditional layouts.
- I am including embellishments and incorporating stamping techniques whenever possible.
- I am also including digital overlays on my pictures.
- I will be switching out the original Turquoise album to a We R Memory Keepers 3 Ring Binder. I didn't care too much for the quality of the original album.
- This project will not replace my traditional album however this year I will only concentrate on adding special events pages to my family albums and as well as to each child's album.
This is a great way to get your family involved in helping you to document your everyday life. I am very fortunate that my family supports my hobby so they are always on the lookout for picture ideas along with saving memorabilia for me.
I hope this will help others who are on the fence about undertaking this project. It is a great way to document everyday life! I will load more pages keeps getting in the way of my hobbies! :)
Project Life - January 2011
So let's talk Project Life! Warning...this is a long post and photo heavy!
Last year I posted my title page for 2011 but never got a chance to post any of my pages. Like I said before, life just got in the way of my hobbies! :) If you read my original post you will see my process and how I use Project Life to capture our story. This year I've decided to post those 2011 pages each month respectively, and then after completing my 2012 pages for that same month I will post them as well. Hope that makes sense. :)
So here are my pages for January 2011:
Title page (see original post here)
First page starts with New Year's Eve. Photo sleeve on right side is from We R Memory Keepers.

I used two different Ali Edwards journals on these pages along with some stamping.
Definitely need more practice taking photos of my pages in the photo sleeves! :) Not sure why these are so blurry...

I placed a picture of the cards that I made during the month for special occasions in a 6x6 page protector.
Back side of the previous birthday card.
Bottom left - I used two journal cards in this 4x6 slot and added a photo to go along with the story of that day.
Two page spread on celebrating a few January birthdays along with another birthday card.
Used an overlay from Ali Edwards for the top left photo. I love her overlays! :)
Included the 8x10 photo from my son's team photo shoot.
One of the reasons why I love Project Life...I am able to incorporate full layouts in my album. Here is an 8x8 layout of me cooking with the girls! :)
Left - back side of the previous 8x8 layout. I used a Cathy Zielske Story Guide layout to interview my daughter.
WOW...that was a lot! Thanks for stopping by. :)